Dr. Sławomir Dębski


Sławomir Dębski is director of the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), a position he also held from 2007 to 2010. He is a historian and political scientist and was granted a PhD in history from Jagiellonian University in 2002.

Between 2011 and 2016, he was director of the Centre for Polish-Russian Dialogue and Understanding, and the Editor-in-Chief and part of the Editorial Board of the “Intersection Project.” He has been a member of the Polish-Russian Group for Difficult Matters since 2008. He was Editor-in-Chief of the Russian-language quarterly Evropa, as well as the bi-monthly Polski Przegląd Dyplomatyczny (Polish Diplomatic Review).

He is the author of the book Między Berlinem a Moskwą. Stosunki niemiecko-sowieckie 1939–1941 (Between Berlin and Moscow: German-Soviet Relations, 1939-1941), which won the Klio and an award from Przegląd Wschodni (Eastern Review), as well as articles and collections of sources on diplomatic history.

His key areas of expertise include Polish foreign policy, external policy of the European Union, Russian foreign policy, German-Russian relations, NATO and global security, and the history of diplomacy.


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